Monday, April 14, 2008

Thought #12

O Lord, God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today and show steadfast love...
- Genesis 24: 12

What about this for a prayer? What if we brought God into everything we did, no matter the importance it held? So when I head off to school and I'm just driving along, what if I shot this sort of prayer up to God asking for success today and for Him to show steadfast love; I wonder how much of a difference that would make in my day?

I find that a lot of people always get bogged down with a high & beautiful art outlook on God like He's a DaVinci painting. Everything has to be perfect, you know. Where God is only a God portrayed on a Sunday - beautiful.

But you know, the true beauty of this God connection you hold is not found in a crucifix or on a pulpit; it's found where ever you want it to be found.

And the true beauty of this God connection is that He is not bound by our thinking, He is not bound by routine, or by the complex or by the simple. This connection you have with this omniscient God is not a matter of simple verses complex or intimate and distant because this connection is just that - a connection.

So if you want to connect with God then do it. Say something to the effect of what Abraham's servant said. Let God's steadfast love show in your life. Pray for it. Look for it. Wonder where it is. Search. Seek. Ask. Knock. Walk. Run. Jump. Skip. And do whatever you need to do in order to connect with God.

You see, the moment we bring God into everything we do, we will find Him because He is and already has been revealing Himself to us. It's just our turn to ask God to show his steadfast love.

No matter what, His love is ever enduring; we just might not be able to see it.

So look.

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