Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thought #29

The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
and all the peoples see his glory.
- Psalm 97: 6

It's about going back to where you came form. About finding that place of comfort where everything feels right. Where nothing's bothersome. A place where everything seemingly magically disappears. Because sometimes we need those retreats.

Then it's all about finding life again. About relaxing, enjoying life for what it is. And realizing that God is there the whole time.

It's no mystery that God is ever-present in your life. He reveals Himself everyday. No, it's not by any cleverness, or anything resembling some sort of treasure hunt, or by any Hide and Seek fashion.

It is simple.

It is pure.

It is real.

And it is a constant continuing revelation minute-by-minute-by-every-possible-moment-to-life. And it is all around. In the way the trees bloom come May. In all the rains that just passed. In the corona of a setting sky. In the way the air playfully rings around your body.

God is in the whole of the world.

It's about doing whatever you have to, or the purposeful lack thereof, to notice your God.

That's all. Nothing fancy.

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