So here's my dilemma: money. That's it. It's not like I'm wicked hard-pressed for cash. I'm not living on the streets. I always have the kitchen to tear through when I'm hungry. I have it all. And that's my problem.
I don't know why I struggle with the clothes I wear and the money I spend. Maybe it's because I don't know the origins of these clothes. Maybe it's because I know my money could be better spent. Or maybe it's for the simple fact that I'm a poor college student who shouldn't step foot into malls or any sort of shopping areas.
A simple connection between this trio of maybes is the frugality not afforded to my life. I mean, I claim a faith who's told to take only what is needed into the world. A faith that tells me not to worry on such fashion whims, but to trust in the LORDs provision. Now it's not like I'm going to walk around naked or anything. You are talking to the kid who got Best Dressed in highschool.
But you know, this rain's got me thinking. Why such mundane precipitation gathers my thoughts, I once again can't say. I guess it's that connection between two expanses. And it's got me focused on all that's around. My clothes, my overly-priced fashion, my necessity?
If you take nothing else from these rains take that the world is connected all the way over.
You see, I'm meant to give to the poor and needy. I'm meant to help someone when I see them beaten on the side of the road. I'm meant to be the way you'd wish someone to act towards you. In a way, we're connected, you and me.
All of us.
Next time you have the urge to buy some new clothes, do it. And do it again and again till you're satisfied. But just try to think of others who might be in need. Any. Sort. Of. Need. Because sometimes it's only a simple smile someone needs to cheer them up. And if you're looking quite suave putting on that smile of yours, they might even call you a "sexy beast."
And this is why I stand in the rain. Drenched. Soaking wet without a care for my net worth. Because I feel God in the rain. And I've just made you smile by saying "sexy beast."
btw, you did make me smile.
xoxo sexy beast...
Awesome, awesome post.
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