Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Limit to Your Love

Some day I will cook her dinner.  The table will be set as elegant as can be.  The pop of the wine bottle cork will usher us into a night of candle light vigils for a love we found years before.  And once all has finished, I will simply look at her.  Smile.  And in my heart know I love her with all I have.  

But right now, I wait patiently for her.  

Valentine's Day.  You know, last year I spent that day with two ladies.  Yes.  Two ladies and both from California to make my claim that much more enticing.  Not only was I with two ladies, I spent it in London.  What better place to spend such a day of love?  Okay, maybe Paris, but I'm thinking Shakespeare here.  And I'm a poet-type of guy.  Perfection in my eyes.

But really.  We just went out to this side street cafe - Cafe Mode.  The low lighting.  The red drapery.  The candle chimneys in the brick walls.  And best of all, couches with pillows for the most relaxing and romantic Italian dinner ever.  It all made for a memorable night.  One spent with friends not stressing over love.  I mean, really, I won't be finding love on Valentines day and if I do, then God is predictable and I am more creative.

Honestly.  I dream about love every day.  I wait for that special girl like the sun waits for the moon (compliments of Hallmark).  And one day, it will all happen how it's meant to happen.  But I won't just love on Valentine's Day; that's restricting.  How can love be confined to one day?  You know that true love we all search for, how can that be expressed for only one day?  It's like waiting for Punksatony Phil to pop his little furry head out of that little hole in the ground and tell us whether we'll see months more of winter or if spring will come early.

Love for me will not be a valentine.  It will not be a dinner cooked for my beloved.  And it will not be contained to a day.  It will not be a dozen roses.  It won't be a box of chocolates and it won't be that simple kiss.  

It will be a steadfast love.  A love that always holds true.  A love that asks for my own surrender, where I am my beloveds and she is mine.  A love that would lay everything on the line for another.  A deluge of emotion and of time and of silence and prayer.  

This love is a love that will never die because it has overcome death.  

Valentine's Day is only a holiday that fails at showing the full extent of love.  For love is so much more than all of us fathom.  And it's something we learn along the way.


Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts. I think it's a little repetetive in places, mentioning the nature of True Love over several times. Plus, "True Love" seems like such a dead concept to today's society. Your ideas may bore the audience.

Anonymous said...

I really like this post Greg. Not just because I completely agree with you. I think that love is so much more than a Day it should be a lifetime. I'm glad that you wrote this. It's really sweet.