Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thought #1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
- Genesis 1:1 & 2

And from the beginning we are what matters to God (of course heaven matters too).  But right away in verse 1 God focuses on the earth.  Our home that we are to inhabit all the face of; we are meant to reside in every corner of the earth.  

And in the beginning there was still God's concern for our dwelling place even if our home "was without form and void."  He still cared.  He still pursued us before we even took shape.  He still kept close though nothing was concrete...


This is all from the onset.  This creation.  This thought (of us).  This idea (for more).  Then God acted.  He did not remain stagnant.  He did not remain indifferent.  He did not even stop - "The Spirit of God was hovering over."

Already we are important to God.  "The earth" holds emphasis in these verses, in the beginning.  And God resided here before all of us, even if He was only passing by, but the thing is: He remained - "The Spirit of God was hovering."

God took action for us: His creation.

Have you ever beheld a wave in the glory of the noon air?
Have you ever caught your reflection from rainyday puddles?

You know your God is in creation whether the sun shines on the ocean or your image is found in muddied pools.  God is a God in your face waiting to bring form and to fill in the voids of your existence.  He is a God concerned with never leaving you.  So what does it mean to reside in creation?

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