Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thought #32

The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous man runs into it and is
- Proverbs 18: 10

"The name of the Lord" - His name. It's so simple. It's so simple to get to that strong tower, that place of safety, that simply being with the Lord.

So the day is gray. It is overcast. And it is cold in May. It is everything that it shouldn't be. Or, at least, it looks that way. Do you know those days? When it all feels so-so wrong? When nothing seems clear? The air plagued by screaming sirens and another person's getting dragged to the hospital? When you sit for hours just staring out the window not thinking, silent and lost?

See, this whole thing is silly. I mean, why do we unknowingly allow life to be bothersome? "The name of the Lord is a strong tower." That means we just need to call on His name. That's all. There's no reason we need to allow this illness to remain in our bodies. Because, you know on these days nothing tastes good, nothing satisfies you like somehow it is poison that is not lethal, but it makes you hurt and hurt and clench your stomach all the more tighter.

But come on, we have a God who's name is a strong tower. All it takes is one breath. One word. One measly little prayer or something of that nature. Maybe you don't have enough strength to even vocally cry out to God; your heart's been doing that for hours now.

So find comfort in the knowledge that the Lord's name is a safe haven.

And be at ease with your experience of the Lord's name covering your life.

Please ask yourself who the Lord is to you. Find His name. And run to safety.

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