Thursday, June 12, 2008

Confession XLII

He raises the poor from the dust
and lifts the needy from the ash heap.
- Psalm 113: 7

I have too much.  It was just the other evening when Josh and I talked about the simple life.  I came to the conclusion that I'm fairly simple.  I think we both agreed on each other's simple nature.  Yet my simple is different from another man's simple.  And even my simple is way too much.

In one day I can go shopping and spend $90 with barely a thought to the amount I choose to shell out.  You know, $30 for khakis, then some $14 polos and a $40 pair of Chuck's.  I drive around the world when gas is $4 a tank.  I plug my $300 iPod into an $80 radio attachment and jam out to some old school Clash because that's good summer music.  On a regular basis I carry around a $1200 investment and a $500 phone that all makes my world smaller.  Easier.  Quicker.  All from the ease of a cushy life.

And I consider myself fairly simple...

But who am I kidding?  I have.  Way.  More.  Than most people.  

I'm not sure when I first saw a homeless person.  But whenever I notice someone wandering the streets without a place to lay his head, it's like it's the first time all over again.  My heart breaks.  My breath staggers.  Stops.  Thoughts of what I can do for him race through my head.  And the indifferent thoughts are inevitable; they come along for the ride too.

Even though I can look at my life right now and say that I own an overload of a comfortable lifestyle, when the quick moments of hard life come to the surface: I.  Barely.  Do.  A.  Thing.  To.  Help.  

When in fact I'm always praying for God to use me.  When I want to be His hands and feet.  When I want to serve someone.  Help someone.  Comfort that person.  Lend a hand with whatever I can.  Be there.  For someone.  Just.  Like.  Me.

I stall.  I stop.  I think twice.  But what is this?  Am I a hypocrite?  Am I someone who doesn't follow through with what he says?  Do I only pray the easy prayers, but don't put my faith into action?  When will I realize I am just like him?  The only difference being our circumstances.  We are both.  


Because when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter how much I have; it matters how much I can give.

Obviously the Lord is sovereign.  Omnipotent.  Omniscient.  Omnipresent.  He is God.  And He will raise the poor out of the dust.  And He will lift the needy from the ash heap.  But don't wait to experience this.  Don't look for some miracle where that homeless guy wearing shaggy clothes magically turns into a clean shaven Donald Trump.  


Ask yourself what you will do for this man.  Ask yourself what you will give to see him have another go at the "good life."  Ask yourself how God will work through you.  To bring life.  To someone else.

Then make a choice that honors the Lord.  Make a choice that you won't regret.  There have been too many times where I passed by someone in need.  Where I did nothing.  That something that I could have done isn't some massively grand life-rescuing feat, but it's the simple choice to give what coins I have rattling my pockets.  To maybe buy a sandwich for him.  To meet his need, whatever it may be.  It's that simple change in direction - Stop - that is truly life saving.

Realize it's about the giving, not what you give.

Change.  Saves.  Lives.

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