Monday, April 7, 2008

Thought #6.1

When Abram heard that his kinsman had been taken captive, he led forth his trained men, born in his house, 318 of them, and went in pursuit as far as Dan.
- Genesis 14: 14

You know, what of hypocracy? And what of not standing up to the faith you display? I mean, here we have this perfect God, we have this Almighty God, this God who created the earth and it was good, this God who is even eclipsed by his own love; and then there is us, we who attempt following God and all of His statutes, commands and everything holy mysterious; and then there is the world also, all the people who might not be able to believe in such a God at this point in their life.

It was the same for Abram thousands of years ago.

What did he do? Immediately upon hearing of Lot's captivity Abram assmbles a team to rescue him. Abram along with his men went after the enemy which just drove kings from their kingdoms only moments earlier. Abram, a rich man past his 70s owning livestock and managing herdsmen along with trying to keep a handle on his all-too-beautiful wife decided to attack an enemy and rescue his nephew; he was not a king with soldiers; he was a man following after God. (Sound familiar?)

So Abram actually lives up to all the talk of who he is. He does not give a false perception of who he is. Nor does he give a false account of who God is. This Hebrew holds true to himself and his God.

Are we actually this honest about ourselves or about our ties to God? Maybe it's time to start telling the truth for what it truly is. And maybe that time is now, the immediate moment.


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